The Egyptian Scholastic Test (EST) is developed by experts in 5 continents and validated by experts in the USA. It is developed especially for Egyptian students in the American Diploma division. The EST is a computer-based test that measures the readiness of the students to enter university and assesses the level of students in Reading, Writing and Math.
The EST I is designed to enable all American Diploma students to apply for Egyptian universities, while the EST II is required by certain colleges (practical colleges like the Faculty of Medicine & Engineering) to test skills in Science and Math subjects (Math level 1, Math level 2, Biology, Physics, Chemistry).
The EST I includes three mandatory sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math.
The EST I tackles communication skills, comprehension, critical and logical reasoning; all these are basic requirements for a university student. The EST I also includes an optional essay section measuring students’ language writing skills.

The EST II is a subject-based test in Science and Math. The EST subject tests cover Math, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, with each subject test taken separately.
The EST II measures basic scientific knowledge, scientific reasoning, and higher-order thinking skills, proving the abilities and capabilities of the student to pursue education in specific majors related to engineering, science and health care. The choice of subject tests depends on the majors the students are applying for.

The SAT exam is taken by high school juniors and seniors applying to colleges and universities. The SAT shows how you apply the thinking, writing and study skills required for college course work.
Courses designed by Mr. Mohamed Eissa to get ready for the SAT trials this year with the highest possible score.

The SAT II (subject tests) provide an opportunity for students to show academic versatility.
Course designed by Mr. Mohamed Eissa to get ready for the SAT II trials this year with the highest possible score.
Course designed by Dr.Gamal Abdelshafy to get ready for the SAT II trials this year with the highest possible score.