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SAT I – Math

Courses designed by Mr. Mohamed Eissa to get ready for the SAT trials this year with the highest possible score.


Math SAT I – Beginners

This course is designed specifically for new students who didn’t start with Mr. Eissa yet to get ready for the SAT trials this year with the highest possible score.


Mr. Mohamed Eissa


Math SAT I – Semi Advanced (Grade 11)

This course is designed for Grade 11 students who already started with Mr. Eissa in Grade 10 to get ready for the SAT I trials this year with the highest possible score.


Mr. Mohamed Eissa


Math SAT I – Advanced (Grade 12)

This course is designed for Grade 12 students who already completed the Beginners and Grade 11 course with Mr. Eissa to get ready for the SAT I trials this year with the highest possible score.


Mr. Mohamed Eissa